Introducing: Underdog Cardio Club

May 31st 2022Underdog Fantasy

Many Underdog players have found that drafting is the perfect pairing for doing cardio, melting the time away with the fat, the rush of being on the clock powering your tired legs. These users have taken to Twitter to show off their teams drafted from the cardio equipment.

We want to encourage and reward this behavior so we’re launching the Underdog Cardio Club.

Perks include

- Choice of shirt or tank. UCC merch will only be available to members.

- Access to private Discord channel in Pete Overzet’s Deposit Kingdom.

- Inclusion on a prize wheel that will be spun at the end of Pete’s Best Ball Breakfast streams as well Josh and Hayden’s Monday night streams.

- A secret Members Only perk that will be revealed in July after the first class of inductees, this one is quite valuable.

How to join

1) Complete seven (7) BBM3 Drafts while doing cardio in the month of June.

2) Post a tweet for each of the seven (7) drafts as you complete them with a photo of your team, a photo of the cardio machine, and #UnderdogCardioClub.

3) Fill out this Google Form tracking your progress with links to your seven (7) tweets by June 30th.

Next steps

- At the end of June, we’ll send out links for all members to redeem their free shirt or tank, start the giveaways on Pete and Underdog’s YouTube channels, and announce the additional secret #utility for UCC members.

- If you have any questions, please let Pete or Nick Rudman know.

- To gain access to the #Underdog-Cardio-Club channel in the Deposit Kingdom Discord, tag @peteroverzet in the #general section after filling out the form and he’ll add you.